Across Distances

Present Sounds Recordings ( is pleased to announce the release of a new album by Seattle composer Jarrad Powell ( entitled Across Distances. The new recording features the amazing piano virtuoso Adrienne Varner and seven new works for solo piano. The works feature several different tunings and temperaments, including 1⁄4-comma meantone temperament, Ptolemaic sequence, 7-limit just intonation, and equal temperament. The music is hypnotic and haunting, with slowly developing melodies and strange, magical harmonies.

Available from For other downloads and streaming link here:

Notes about the pieces



A special pandemic release featuring compositions by Stephen Fandrich, Jessika Kenney, Jarrad Powell, and Darsono Hadirahardjo.

With performances by Jessika Kenney, Jesse Snyder, Stephen Fandrich, Gamelan Pacifica and Del Sol String Quartet.

Released in 2022 by Gamelan Pacifica and Blind Stone Records. Available from For all other availability link here:

Notes about the pieces



Contemporary music for gamelan by composers Philip Glass, Jessika Kenney, Stephen Fandrich, Lou Harrison, Jarrad Powell, and Al. Suwardi.
Performed by Gamelan Pacifica, Jarrad Powell, artistic director

with Jennifer Caine, violin; Sally Singer, cello; Jessika Kenney, voice; special guest, Hari Purwanto

Released in 2015 by Gamelan Pacifica and Blind Stone Records. Available from For all other availability link here:  

Album liner notes


Lou Harrison: Scenes from Cavafy

Contemporary music for gamelan by the great American composer Lou Harrison.
Performed by Gamelan Pacifica, Jarrad Powell, artistic director; with John Duykers, voice; Adrienne Varner, piano; Jessika Kenney, voice; Gamelan Pacifica Chorus.

This is the world-premiere recording of three major works in authoritative performances by Gamelan Pacifica, which had a long association with the composer, performing and giving the Northwest premieres of all his major works for gamelan.

Released in 2010 by New World Records. Available on Bandcamp, Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon, and others.

Album liner notes


Trance Gong

New music for extended gong/chime percussion orchestra
Performed by Gamelan Pacifica
Directed by Jarrad Powell

Includes works by John Cage, Jon Keliehor, Jeff Morris, and Jarrad Powell, plus two collaborative compositions by Signy Jakobsdottir, Jon Keliehor, Tom Fallat, and Jarrad Powell.

Released in 1994 by What Next? Recordings. Available from Also available from Amazon. Apple Music, Spotify, and others. Reviews

Album liner notes


Stonehouse Songs

This release by composer Jarrad Powell is a record that defies categorization. With vocals by Jessika Kenney and some one-of-a-kind instrumental performers: Jessika Kenney (vocals, sruti box), Eyvind Kang (viola), Adam Diller (clarinet), Annie Lewandowski (accordion), Tom Swafford (vioin), Jarrad Powell (metaharmonium, spoken voice), Stephen Fandrich (vocal)

Gamelan Instrumentation: Jesse Snyder (gender), Julija Gelazis (siter), Michelle Doiron (slenthem), Stephanie Helm (slenthem), Jarrad Powell (gambang & kendhang), Stephen Fandrich (ketuk & kenong), Stephen Parris (kempul & gong)

Released in 2007. Available from Present Sounds Recordings. Also available from AmazonApple Music, Spotify, and others. 

Album liner notes


Natural Selection

This CD by composer Jarrad Powell focuses on electroacoustic music. Most of the pieces on this recording were created to accompany the chroeography of Mary Sheldon Scott and were premiered with the Seattle-based contemporary dance company Scott-Powell Performance.

Released in 2007. Available from Present Sounds Recordings. Recordings also available from Amazon, Apple Music, Spotify, and others. 





Stonehouse Songs 

Music by Jarrad Powell; Jessica Kenney, vocal; Eyvind Kang, viola/electronics
Chapel Performance Space, Seattle, Oct. 8, 2011; Nonsequitur Wayward Music Series

Text: from "The Mountain Poems of Stonehouse," translated by Red Pine, published by Empty Bowl, 1986. Used by permission of Empty Bowl Press


Music by Jarrad Powell; Adrienne Varner, piano;

Chapel Performance Space, Seattle, Oct. 8, 2011; Nonsequitur Wayward Music Series

Flock - trio for strings 

Music by Jarrad Powell; Brandon Vance, violin; Eyvind Kang, viola; Brad Hawkins, cello

Chapel Performance Space, Seattle, Oct. 8, 2011; Nonsequitur Wayward Music Series


Delta of C16H22O4 

Image: Robert Campbell
Music: Jarrad Powell


Eidolon (2004) sets animation by Robert Campbell to an electro-acoustic score by composer Jarrad Powell to create a melancholy “sound/image poem.”
Running time: 3'26"

John Cage's STEPS (Re-Interpretation): Disintegrating Loop; 12 Parameters; 24 Breaths

Chapel Performance Space, Seattle, 2012

Created by Jarrad Powell, Beth Graczyk, and Robert Campbell; Directed by Jarrad Powell; Movement score by Beth Graczyk; Set design and construction by Reilly Sinanan

Movement performers: Beth Graczyk , Corrie Befort, Shannon Stewart, Alia Swersky, Mary Margaret Moore. Musicians: Angelina Baldoz, trumpet; Stuart Dempster, trombone; Julio Lopez, violin; Roger Nelson, piano; Jarrad Powell, percussion; and Paul Taub, flutes, with Jessika Kenney, conductor

Music: Atlas Eclipticalis (1961) with Winter Music (1958) by John Cage

Special thanks to: Steve Peters and Nonsequitur; Cornish College of the Arts; Ray Kass and The Mountain Lake Workshop