Music for Gamelan
Bubaran Kiev (2010) – for Javanese gamelan, dedicated to Sergei Tschernisch
Fragments and Ecstacies (1994) – for voice with Javanese gamelan; parts of the vocal may be sung by a chorus if desired; Text: Rumi (13’36”)
Gendhing Erhu (1983) – for Chinese erhu and American gamelan
Gendhing Tala Entangled (2014) – for Javanese gamelan; composed for Gamelan Son of Lion (c. 5'43")
Gendhing Tala Nourishment (2010) – for Javanese gamelan; gendhing bonang style (c. 12'47")
Gending Tala The Wanderer (2011) – for Javanese gamelan with vocal (solo or chorus); text in Sanskrit from the Sri Krishna Karnamrutham (circa 16'18')
Gong Julunggul (1990/91) – for Javanese gamelan
Ladrang Tranquil Sea (1991) – for Javanese gamelan in slendro (gendhing soran style)
Ladrang Yamaloka (1994) – for Javanese gamelan with additional percussion, trompets, suling, and drone instruments
Ketawang Lagu Pangajabsih (1995-96) – for erhu or violin and Javanese gamelan; based on the Javanese bawa Pangajabsih
Bubaran Wild Swan (1996) – for Javanese gamelan
Mountains and Waters (1992-93) – for Javanese gamelan with voice (may be sung by a chorus or as a solo); Text: Zen master Dogen. (7’38”)
The September Vision (1984) - for Javanese gamelan, bamboo rattle (angklung), Chinese erhu, and female vocalist; Text: W.S. Merwin
Small of My Back (1990) – for American gamelan instruments, suling, kendhang, and harmonizer (with Jon Keliehor, Signy Jakobsdottir, and Tom Fallat)
Tsuki (The Moon) (2008) – for voice with Javanese gamelan; Text: Zen master Dogen
Thunder River Song (Kali Serayu) (1994) – for voice with Javanese gamelan
Vocal Music
Buffalo Solo (2001) – duet for female singer with male drone singer (drone singer makes limited use of harmonic singing); other vocal combinations are possible – (7’46”)
The Dark Woods (1994) – voice and gender; a short song, usually sung as an opening to Thunder River Song (Kali Sarayu)
Dewa Ruci (1994) – for voice and drone; two short songs usually sung together, the first as a prelude to the other
body of light, body of fire
ab lo dolchor qu'al cor mi vai
Goro-goro (2000) – for solo female voice and viola (2'15”)
I move east into tangled woods (1994) – for solo voice or voice with gender or drone; Text: Dante
Keeping Quiet (2010) – for solo voice with piano accompaniment; Text: Pablo Neruda
Listen (2000) – for male speaker with female intoner; female vocalist sings one high pitch as a harmonic “shadow” of the spoken voice; may be accompanied with small hand percussion, such as a string of small bells or small cymbals like xiao-bo rubbed lightly together. (2’50”)
Nothing (2007) – for voice and piano; Text: Lao-tzu
One Night in April (2004) – for voice with keyboard accompaniment; harpsichord in 1/4 comma meantone temperament is preferred; a piano in equal temperament may be used; also there is a version for two-part treble choir (3'27")
The Rain (1997) – two pieces for solo voice, usually sung together: 1) I am rain – text from Praises of the Bantu Kings; versions of Bantu self-praises by Jerome Rothenberg, from literal translations by Jacques Chileya Chiwale; 2) "The rain of the white valley" – text from June Rain by W.S. Merwin (circa 3’31”)
Rapt away to Darkness (1999) – for voice with mixed flexible accompaniment (original version with clarinet, violin, and accordion); Text: Susan Howe; (circa 14’45”)
The Stonehouse Songs (1992) – for voice unaccompanied or with accompaniment (original accompaniment on metaharmonium)
around the summit I only see pines (2’15”)
beyond the door I made but don't close (2’17”)
real emptiness is a tranquil sea (2’12”)
to get to the end the absolute end (2’02”)
when the red sun bites the mountain (2’25”)
when mountains are nourished by rain (2’20”)
Thunder River Song (1990, revised 1991) – for voice and prepared piano
Trakl Songs (2020) – 1) Sleep, 2) De Profundis; for voice and piano (text: George Trakl)
Instrumental Music
Flock (2010) – for string trio: violin, viola, cello
Islands (1981) – for piano or harp solo
Islands (1981, 2007) – for guitar; arranged by Graham Banfield
The Moon and Sun are Eternal Travelers (1999) – alto flute solo; for Paul Taub
I. Moon (2'07")
II. Sun (2'16")
Prelude (2009) – piano solo; for Adrienne Varner
A Simple Thank-you (1999) – in memory of Bill Colvig; for small ensemble, instrumentation variable
Simultaneous Broken Symmetries (1990) – duet for vibraphone and piano; in two movements
I. simultaneity of the ephemeral (6'10")
II. metamorphosis of the repetitive (4'40")
Septet I: for whoever was to come (1985) - for flute/piccolo, clarinet, cello, piano, harp, two percussionists (marimba, glockenspiel, vibraphone, four tom-toms, two timpani)
Suite for Clavier (2013) – for piano in just intonation; may also be played in a circulating tuning or equal temperament, but will lose meaningful harmonic subtlety that is present in just intonation; dedicated to the memory of Lou Harrison
I. flowing and resonating (2'12")
II. jhalla (3'02")
III. fast and lively (2'40")
IV. canon, two parts (3'18")
Suite for Koto (13-strings) (1998) – for koto solo in four movements; also playable on guitar; for Liz Falconer (12")
I. prelude (3'07")
II. an inward memory (3'25")
III. dissolving (2'43")
IV. in motion (2'45")
Uluru Wild Fig Song (1986) - piano solo
Winter Duet (1986) – for clarinet and guitar
Music for Percussion
a la Belle Étoile (2010) - for crotales and vibraphone; originally composed as part of the music for the evening length dance piece HOME, choreography by Molly Scott. The title could be translated as "under the beautiful star." I chose the French because the music was for a solo danced by company member Belle Wolf.
Demon Daring Down (2010) – percussion quartet in three movements for various drums, gongs, fingers cymbals, triangle, temple blocks, and wood blocks - 1. vigorous, excited (c. 3'14"); 2. quiet and delicate (c. 5'32"); 3. strong and dynamic (c. 4'32") - dedicated to the Pacific Rims Percussion Quartet
Trance Gong (1990) – percussion quartet for roto-toms and xiao-bo (created with Jon Keliehor, Signy Jacobsdottir, and Tom Fallat)
Two Studies for Two Percussionists (1988)
I. Talea – 3 tom-toms, 1 low drum, 3 cymbals
II. Sonata – cowbell, high drum, low tom-tom, bass drum, bongos, woodblock, 2 snare drums
Electro-acoustic Music
Boundaries 1-7 (2001)
1) 1’13” 2) 1’29” 3) 0’53” 4) 1’44” 5) 0’43” 6) 0’47” 7) 0’48”
Compass (2001)
Compass 2 – 5’11”
Compass 3 – 6’24”
Fanfare (1986)
Ghost Voices (1995)
Locate, Part 3 (2007) - 2'27"
Natura Abolita (1993, 2001) – 8’37”
Praying Mantis (2002) – in three movements
Curve – 7’38”
Box – 17’58”
Shroud – 4’55”
Red Voices (1995) – for electro-acoustic media
Substance and Non-Substance, Study No.1, No.2, and No.3 (1986-87)
The Ceremony of Desire (1995)
Tilt (2002) – 8’41”
When I Was Afraid (1997) – for electro-acoustic media and solo voice
With Every Breath (2007) – 5’28”